We could use your help

A Claro Walnut Harvest  A Claro Walnut Harvest

Members of Sequoia Woodturners are always looking for wood to turn and could use your assistance. We are not a tree trimming or a removal business, just a club full of craftsman looking for some large chunks of wood to create with. If you know of someone who is removing a tree and does not want the wood, we would like the opportunity to take the larger pieces off your hands. Once your tree service cuts down the tree, we can arrange to have volunteers harvest the wood at the same time. This will lighten the load for your tree service and keeps it out of the landfills. Please try to give us at least a week or more lead time. Should you have something the Sequoia Woodturners might be able to use, just send an email to webmaster@sequoiawoodturners.org and we will contact you for more information.

Thank You... We are happy to help turn trash into treasures.
The Sequoia Woodturners